Vertel! Storytelling festival
Abhishek Thapar - My home at the Intersection - DAS Theatre Master ProofWhen I was growing up, my parents always told me: ‘A big storm is coming, we might have to leave.’. Since then, Amsterdam is the 13th city I have lived in, and it’s only now that I am beginning to ask myself: What makes a home? How does one deal with memories and conflicting histories? For the last year, I have been working with certain historical narratives about Punjab, a state in the northwestern part of India, and about my family and our life there as well. My home at the Intersection is a work that I have been growing towards since I first started making theatre in my teens but could never gain the courage to actualize. In December last year, my family and I went back to my childhood home in Moga, to a place which we all thought we had forgotten about. Together we created a performance.With: Venu Thapar, Shveta Grover and Ashok Thapar.DAS Graduate School / DAS TheatreTime Between Dog and WolfAfter two years of study and inquiry into their specific artistic practice, a period of close reading and of applying various lenses, six graduating students will be showing work that invites new ways of seeing. An invitation to watch our seeing happening, in the space between what can and cannot be discerned. This is ‘the time between dog and wolf’, as they say in French, when a dog could be a wolf and a wolf could be a dog. A space where many things are still possible, and we become aware of seeing itself.
- This event has passed.
Vertel! is een nieuw multicultureel storytellingfestival waarin Theater Kikker levensechte verhalen verzamelt en op het toneel samenbrengt. Terug naar de kern van het theater, het vertellen van verhalen. Zes verschillende performers presenteren tijdens dit tweedaagse festival hun autobiografische solovoorstellingen. Hun hyperpersoonlijke verhalen gaan over hoe zij zich verhouden tot de maatschappij waarin ze leven, de conflicten die hen bezighouden of de culturele ontmoetingen die op hun pad komen.
Kom tijdens Vertel! kennismaken met culturen en perspectieven. Van een beschouwing op de Afghaanse wereld in Nederland tot een verhaal over de relatie tussen moslims en joden, van een reis naar Indonesië tot het thuiskomen in India. Rondom de voorstellingen is er ruimte voor muziek, hapjes en drankjes.
Vertellers: Soufiane Moussouli, Sahand Sahebdivani, Robin Block, Abhishek Thapar, Soula Notos en Shah Tabibi.