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©Ruben van Gogh


Wondere wereld (1992), De man van taal (Prometheus, 1996), De hemel in, de hemel uit (Prometheus, 1999), Aan het eind van het begin (Prometheus, 2001), Zoekmachines: gedichten van Ruben van Gogh (Prometheus, 2002), Syndroom van Mauritius (2005), Klein Oera Linda: gedichten 2002-2006 (Contact, 2006), Ekster, (2012), Hier begint het leven: gedichten (Podium, 2013), Nikola – Een soort van antenne (crU, 2017)


Ruben van Gogh 


Ruben van Gogh (1967) is a Dutch poet, libretto writer and smartphone-art maker living in Utrecht, who published over 10 volumes of poetry (and anthologies), saw over 10 operas staged and had 3 exhibitions of his smartphone art. His voice is unique within Dutch poetry, combining clarity and wit with metaphysical aspirations. His most recent poetry collection is called Nikola – Een soort van antenne (Nikola – a kind of antenna, 2018). Van Gogh contributed to literary festivals around the world, ranging fromk Taiwan to Capetown. His poetry was translated in English, Chinese, Italian, French and German for several festivals, magazines and books. Currently he is the Guildmaster of the Utrecht City-poets Guild and board member of the P.C. Hooftprijs (the main Dutch price for literature), he was a board member of the Dutch P.E.N. for several years.